Janet Jury

Partner, DipArch MA (UD) RIBA SCA

As an accredited Specialist Conservation Architect (SCA), Janet is a particular advocate of the merits of post-war design and a member of the Twentieth Century Society.

As well as extensive involvement in the broad spectrum of private and government-funded residential design, small- and large-scale cultural facilities, workspaces, and education, Janet is experienced in a wide range of health and wellbeing sectors. She has worked with many charities to deliver schemes for care of the elderly and vulnerable adults, to address the challenges associated with homelessness and to support those affected by severe medical conditions. Janet’s urban design skills are equally applicable to examining the potential of new build or refurbishment in the context of a single site, an estate of buildings or a larger masterplanning task.

Janet is a trustee of the Assembly House Trust, an East Anglian charity that supports the arts in all forms. She is also the primary contact for Purcell’s involvement in both Norfolk and in Suffolk ProHelp, an initiative to provide charitable institutions with early professional assistance of all types to facilitate projects.